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Power System Power Hooks V2 L
POWER-SYSTEM POWER HOOKS V2 allow you to increase the weight, making it easier to perform exercises for the back and back muscles (e.g. pull-ups, barbell pull-ups, pull-downs, deadlifts, etc.). They help you perform additional sets of exercises when your handle no longer bears the load. – thus contributing to the increase in strength, mass and training capacity. They have adjustable Velcro fasteners and special neoprene cushions that perfectly adapt to the shape of the hands. Steel hooks are designed for heavy loads.
990 ден
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POWER-SYSTEM POWER HOOKS V2 allow you to increase the weight, making it easier to perform exercises for the back and back muscles (e.g. pull-ups, barbell pull-ups, pull-downs, deadlifts, etc.). They help you perform additional sets of exercises when your handle no longer bears the load. – thus contributing to the increase in strength, mass and training capacity. They have adjustable Velcro fasteners and special neoprene cushions that perfectly adapt to the shape of the hands. Steel hooks are designed for heavy loads.
Material: metal, nylon, foam
Available colors: black red, black yellow
Available sizes: L
Предупредувања: Не употребувајте ако сте алергични на било која од додатоците. Немојте да употребувате ако сте бремени или негувате. Не ја надминува препорачаната дневна доза. Додатоците во исхраната не треба да се користат како замена за разновидна и добро балансирана исхрана. Се препорачува урамнотежена исхрана и здрав начин на живот. Чувајте го на суво и ладно место. Да се чува подалеку од мали деца. Заштита од директна сончева светлина и замрзнување.