-High-Density Foam
-Reinforced Foam on Key Areas
-2 Large Durable Velcro Straps
-2 Elastic Bands underfoot and heel
-PU Leather Construction for great durability and performance
-Made to gear up your fighting game

2,390 ден
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Со купување на овој производ, ќе заработите 2390 Поени во вредност од 239 ден!
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Mosby Shin Guards – Black

The Mosby Shin Guards offers you the best value for money. It combines Gorilla Wear Quality Standards with the most affordable price. It is ideally suitable to unlock your fighting skills and work your way up to advanced training sessions due to the Multipurpose Design. Learn and improve the art of different fighting styles while you can rely on risk and injury management. The Curves are Shaped based on the Mobility of moves you make during training to improve safety and overall your overall training experience. For better absorption, the Shin Guards are Reinforced on the Key Areas on your lower leg and feet. Stress on your legs will be avoided as much as possible. Finally, the Two Expanded Velcro Straps and Two Elastic Bands ensure you of a custom fit. There is no better way to start training and improving your fighting skills with the Mosby Shin Guards and Mosby Boxing Gloves (available in matching style).

-High-Density Foam
-Reinforced Foam on Key Areas
-2 Large Durable Velcro Straps
-2 Elastic Bands underfoot and heel
-PU Leather Construction for great durability and performance
-Made to gear up your fighting game

Color: Black
80% PU/PVC Material outer shell, 85% PU/PVC Injection Molded Foam padding, 15% EVA / Foam padding at palm and cuff, 12% Polyester lining., 5% Nylon Velcro, 3% PU Piping

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