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Rubber Coated Olympic Weight Plate inSPORTline Ruberton 5kg

The Rubber Coated Olympic Weight Plate inSPORTline Ruberton 5kg is a high quality steel weight plate with extra protection.

1,550 ден
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The Rubber Coated Olympic Weight Plate inSPORTline Ruberton 5kg is a high quality steel weight plate with extra protection. The surface of the plate is coated with a layer of high quality, impact and abrasion resistant rubber. Since it features practical handles on either side, it can be used as an independent weight and/or during a workout with a fitness belt with a chain. Moreover, the handles make the plate easier to handle. All of the above makes the Rubber Coated Olympic Weight Plate inSPORTline Ruberton 5kg perfect for home, club and professional gyms.

Technical description:

  • Suitable for barbells 50mm in diameter (Olympic)
  • High quality steel plate coated with layer of rubber
  • Two practical handles on sides
  • Can also be used as independent weight and/or in fitness belt workout
  • Long service life
  • Impact and abrasion resistant
  • Material: steel, rubber
  • Weight: 5kg
  • Plate diameter: 23cm
  • Plate width: 4cm

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