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  • A pull rope trainer is a fitness device designed to simulate the motion of rope climbing while providing adjustable resistance for a variety of workout types.
  • It is a popular tool in functional fitness, strength training, and cardio workouts.
  • Performance, Endurance, Strenght

15,000 ден
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A pull rope trainer typically features a continuous loop of durable rope fed through a resistance mechanism. Users pull the rope vertically (upward or downward) or horizontally, depending on the machine’s setup, mimicking the motion of climbing or pulling.


  1. Full-Body Engagement: Activates muscles in the upper body (arms, shoulders, back), core, and sometimes legs, depending on the workout style.
  2. Functional Strength: Enhances grip strength, pulling power, and coordination.
  3. Cardiovascular Health: High-intensity workouts improve heart rate and stamina.
  4. Low Impact: Provides a joint-friendly alternative to high-impact exercises.
  5. Compact Design: Ideal for home gyms or small spaces.

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