Power Plus Fitness GLoves 590 ден
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Gym Gloves Power Grip 790 ден
Купи и заштеди
  • 100% MAGNESIUM CARBONATE QUALITY AND MOISTURE CHALK – Great for Crossfit workouts, often used in Olympic Weightlifting, Powerlifting for bar control or any kind of sports with reduced friction,
  • This is the real deal Magnesium Carbonate used by Professionals everywhere, Keeps palms sweat-free and prevents slipping
  • The workout and training chalk trusted by thousands of athletes – Made from the purest white Magnesium Carbonate .Whether your exercises are pull ups or barbells, our chalk blocks rise to the challenge. Great grip for bar work, kettlebell, exercise balls, wall balls, jump ropes, weights, dumbbells, climbing rope, tire flips, hammer swings, atlas stones and even more!

290 ден
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  • 100% MAGNESIUM CARBONATE QUALITY AND MOISTURE CHALK – Great for Crossfit workouts, often used in Olympic Weightlifting, Powerlifting for bar control or any kind of sports with reduced friction,
  • This is the real deal Magnesium Carbonate used by Professionals everywhere, Keeps palms sweat-free and prevents slipping
  • The workout and training chalk trusted by thousands of athletes – Made from the purest white Magnesium Carbonate .Whether your exercises are pull ups or barbells, our chalk blocks rise to the challenge. Great grip for bar work, kettlebell, exercise balls, wall balls, jump ropes, weights, dumbbells, climbing rope, tire flips, hammer swings, atlas stones and even more!

Предупредувања: Не употребувајте ако сте алергични на било која од додатоците. Немојте да употребувате ако сте бремени или негувате. Не ја надминува препорачаната дневна доза. Додатоците во исхраната не треба да се користат како замена за разновидна и добро балансирана исхрана. Се препорачува урамнотежена исхрана и здрав начин на живот. Чувајте го на суво и ладно место. Да се чува подалеку од мали деца. Заштита од директна сончева светлина и замрзнување.