Yamamoto Ai-Burn Fat Burner Blister 20capsules 300 ден
Ако го купите ова вие заштедувате
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Neck Relaxer 213-0002 390 ден
Ако го купите ова вие заштедувате
  • The workout bar is detachable and you can change its length as you need.
  • Carrying it conveniently to your home,office,gym or some outdoor occasion,it is perfect for workout fitness,like Yoga,Pilates,band resistance exercising and other training purpose
  • It comes with 3-section steel rod with quite soft and comfortable foam (anti-slip and sweat-proof),,which enables you hold it easily and have a steady,safe exercising.In addition,there comes with 2 kinds of bands with strong


1,390 ден
Ако го купите ова вие заштедувате

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SKU: 5410
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  • The workout bar is detachable and you can change its length as you need.
  • Carrying it conveniently to your home,office,gym or some outdoor occasion,it is perfect for workout fitness,like Yoga,Pilates,band resistance exercising and other training purpose
  • It comes with 3-section steel rod with quite soft and comfortable foam (anti-slip and sweat-proof),,which enables you hold it easily and have a steady,safe exercising.In addition,there comes with 2 kinds of bands with strong

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