Olympic Bar f50 180cm 700lbs 5003-4

Olympic Weight Lifting Bar 180cm

  • Weightlifting bar is a specialized piece of equipment designed for weightlifting and strength training.
  • Max pressure 700lbs
  • Commercial use

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SKU: 5619
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A weightlifting bar is a specialized piece of equipment designed for weightlifting and strength training.

Minimizes strain on the lifter’s wrists and enables smooth, controlled movements during exercises such as the snatch, clean and jerk, and other compound lifts commonly seen in competitive weightlifting and powerlifting.

An Olympic barbell measuring 180 cm (approximately 6 feet) is slightly shorter than the standard 220 cm (7 feet) Olympic barbell. Despite being smaller, it retains many features of a standard Olympic barbell and is popular for specific training settings. Here are its highlights:


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