InsportLine Push Up Bars PU200 590 ден
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InSPORTLine Wall Mounted Dip Abs Station

Technical description:

  • 4 bars with rubber grips
  • Attached either to a wall or to wall bars with horizontal diameter up to 3 cm and inner width at least 58.5 cm
  • Comfortable foam rests
  • Hooks for wall bars, 6 strong bolts, wall plugs
  • Sturdy frame
  • Distance between bars: 55 cm
  • Grip length: 12 cm
  • Backrest: 30 x 24 cm
  • Armrests: 30 x 13 cm
  • Dimensions: w58 x d66 x h50 cm
  • Weight limit: 100 kg
  • Suitable for home use
  • NOTE: The Wall-Mounted Dip Station is suitable for wall bars inSPORTline Dremar series with a width of 80 and 90 cm, Directline with a width of 80 and 90 cm. Wall-Mounted Dip Station inSPORTline is NOT suitable for inSPORTline Steadyline (wide bar spacing) Basicline, Fairline and Benchmark Fusion (wide bar diameter) wall bars series.

5,200 ден
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Wall-Mounted Dip Station 2v1 inSPORTline LCR-11114B will help you strengthen your abs, arms and spinal muscles. They are made of scratch resistant material that does not bend out of shape. The dip station can be attached to wall bars with two strong hooks at the back or to a wall with six strong bolts.

The parallel bars are supported by crossbars to reinforce the frame further. There are padded armrests and a backrest to provide comfort during your training and to prevent sores and bruises. To make your training even more effective, there are 4 practical rubber grips with an anti-slip surface.

Wall-Mounted Dip Station inSPORTline 2v1 LCR-11114B presents a perfect way to exercise using your own body weight and strengthen your arms, abs and back. The dip station is suitable for home use.

Technical description:

  • 4 bars with rubber grips
  • Attached either to a wall or to wall bars with horizontal diameter up to 3 cm and inner width at least 58.5 cm
  • Comfortable foam rests
  • Hooks for wall bars, 6 strong bolts, wall plugs
  • Sturdy frame
  • Distance between bars: 55 cm
  • Grip length: 12 cm
  • Backrest: 30 x 24 cm
  • Armrests: 30 x 13 cm
  • Dimensions: w58 x d66 x h50 cm
  • Weight limit: 100 kg
  • Suitable for home use
  • NOTE: The Wall-Mounted Dip Station is suitable for wall bars inSPORTline Dremar series with a width of 80 and 90 cm, Directline with a width of 80 and 90 cm. Wall-Mounted Dip Station inSPORTline is NOT suitable for inSPORTline Steadyline (wide bar spacing) Basicline, Fairline and Benchmark Fusion (wide bar diameter) wall bars series.

Предупредувања: Не употребувајте ако сте алергични на било која од додатоците. Немојте да употребувате ако сте бремени или негувате. Не ја надминува препорачаната дневна доза. Додатоците во исхраната не треба да се користат како замена за разновидна и добро балансирана исхрана. Се препорачува урамнотежена исхрана и здрав начин на живот. Чувајте го на суво и ладно место. Да се чува подалеку од мали деца. Заштита од директна сончева светлина и замрзнување.