Insight Fitness Standing Abductor SH044


  • Efficient and Safe Training
    The Premium Foot Abductor provides stable and secure support, allowing you to perform your exercises with the correct posture and maximum efficiency. Its robust structure ensures that you can train without worries.
  • Durability and Resistance
    With a load capacity of up to 200kg , this machine is built to last. The heavy-duty steel frame ensures that it can withstand intense and prolonged workouts without compromising on safety.
  • Comfort and Ergonomics
    The ergonomic design and padded surfaces offer optimal support, allowing you to train comfortably for extended periods. The Premium Foot Abductor is designed to improve your posture and efficiency in every exercise.

64,890 ден
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SKU: 5519
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  • Dimension


  • Total Weight


1. Robust and Durable Design
The Premium Foot Abductor is constructed from heavy-duty steel , ensuring durability and stability during the most demanding workouts. Its sturdy frame ensures that it can withstand intensive use in commercial gyms without compromising its integrity.

2. Focus on the Abductor Muscles
This machine is specifically designed to work the abductor muscles of the legs, providing a targeted exercise that helps to strengthen and tone this area efficiently. It is ideal for improving leg stability and strength.

3. Comfort and Ergonomics
The ergonomic design of the Premium Foot Abductor allows each user to find the perfect position for their workout. The padded surfaces ensure a comfortable and efficient training experience, reducing the risk of injury.

4. Ideal for High Traffic
Designed to withstand constant use in commercial gyms, the Premium Foot Abductor is perfect for facilities with high user turnover. Its sturdy and durable construction ensures that it will maintain its structural integrity and functionality even under intensive use.


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