Insight Fitness Hip Trust Sh031

  • Main features:
    • Dimensions: 1698 x 1037 x 839 mm
    • Weight: 108 kg
    • Sturdy Construction: Made of high-quality materials to ensure durability and stability.
    • Ergonomics: Designed for comfortable and safe use during exercises.
    • Trusted Brand: isight fitness is synonymous with innovation and reliability in the world of gym equipment.

80,000 ден
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  • Hip Thruster by insight fitness, designed to offer an optimal and safe workout, this tool is ideal for those who want to strengthen the gluteal and lower body muscles.

    Main features:

    • Dimensions: 1698 x 1037 x 839 mm
    • Weight: 108 kg
    • Sturdy Construction: Made of high-quality materials to ensure durability and stability.
    • Ergonomics: Designed for comfortable and safe use during exercises.
    • Trusted Brand: isight fitness is synonymous with innovation and reliability in the world of gym equipment.

    Our Hip Thruster is an essential addition to any gym, whether commercial or home. Perfect for performing hip thrust exercises effectively, it allows you to improve the strength and tone of the glutes, while at the same time promoting the prevention of injuries thanks to its ergonomic design.


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