BioTechUSA GH Regulator 120caps

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badge_gmo_freeGMO free
badge_lactose_freeLactose free
Food supplement capsule with 3 amino acids

990 ден
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Why do we recommend GH Hormone Regulator?

  • Arginine, ornithine and lysine
  • Vitamin B6 contributes to the hormonal activity

The way of growth.

Growth hormone, or GH for short, is a protein that consists of 191 amino acids, produced in the anterior pituitary gland. The release of GH, produced during sleep, is regulated by the hypothalamus. Since it stimulates protein synthesis and breaks down fat reserves, it should definitely be considered a hormone of “positive” effect. Year by year from around the age of 35–40, muscle mass gradually decreases, at the same time, however, the fat content of our body grows. This process can be attributed to the highly reduced GH levels. The most effective and safest way to increase the level of this hormone is, therefore, to enhance its production in the body.

GH Hormone Regulator contains arginine hydrochloride (AHCl) and L-ornithine hydrochloride as a source of L-arginine amino acid and L-ornithine, in a ratio of almost 2:1, respectively. It’s a formula made complete with L-lysine amino acid and vitamin B6.


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