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Essensey Maca 90 capsules

490 ден
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ESSENSEY MACA dietary supplement contains maca root extract 


  • 500 mg of MACA root extract
SKU: 5251 Бренд: ,

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  • What is matzo?

Maca root is a plant native to South America, specifically Peru, where it was appreciated and discovered by the Incas 3 . For this reason, maca is now also known as Peruvian ginseng.


  • Maca root

This plant contains magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, silicon, manganese, copper, zinc and other nutrients. It also contains thiamine, riboflavin, ascorbic acid, proteins, carbohydrates and lignins. In addition, Maca root also contains plant sterols (campesterol, stigmaterol and beta-sitosterol) 2 .


  • MACA root properties

Maca root is believed to have a beneficial effect on libido because it stimulates sexual drive. Maca root also supports fertility. 1.2

  • For adults
  • Physically active and training competitively
  • Wanting to improve their fertility


1. PENDING list published under Commission Regulation (EU) No 432/2012 of 16 May 2012 establishing a list of permitted health claims made on foods other than those referring to the reduction of disease risk and to children’s development and health.

2. Ekiert, K., & Dochniak, M. (2015). Superfoods–an ideal dietary supplement or an unnecessary addition. Nursing and Public Health, 5(4), 401-408.

3. Lutomski, Jerzy. “The effect of herbal remedies on the vitality of body.” Advances in Phytotherapy (2002).

Нутритивни вредности

MACA root in 90 capsules

Portion:1 caps.
Number of servings per package:90
Packaging:90 caps.
Net weight:58.50 g
Nutritional value / Nutritional information
for 1 capsule% RWS*
Maca Root Extract500mg

Ingredients: maca root extract (Lepidium meyenii) (78%), capsule shell (glazing agent – ​​hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), anti-caking agent (magnesium salts of fatty acids).

The product may contain: milk, soy, cereals containing gluten, eggs, peanuts and nuts.


Предупредувања: Не употребувајте ако сте алергични на било која од додатоците. Немојте да употребувате ако сте бремени или негувате. Не ја надминува препорачаната дневна доза. Додатоците во исхраната не треба да се користат како замена за разновидна и добро балансирана исхрана. Се препорачува урамнотежена исхрана и здрав начин на живот. Чувајте го на суво и ладно место. Да се чува подалеку од мали деца. Заштита од директна сончева светлина и замрзнување.

Упатство за употреба

Take 1 capsule daily with an appropriate amount of liquid, after a meal.