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Essensey Collagen Anti Age 90 capsules

  • For adults
  • For those who want to take care of the condition of their joints, bones and skin
  • For physically active and competitively trained people

Original price was: 690 ден.Current price is: 490 ден.
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Set of three Collagen Anti Age packages.

Dietary supplement in the form of capsules contains 970 mg of SOLUGEL® type I collagen hydrolysate, 45 mg of hyaluronic acid and vitamin C in the recommended daily dose.

  • Collagen Anti Age is a dietary supplement containing vitamin C, which supports the proper functioning of the skin4
  • a dietary supplement containing 970 mg of collagen in a daily portion
  • 45 mg of hyaluronic acid in a daily dose – the addition of hyaluronic acid has a positive effect on the effect of the Collagen Anti Age dietary supplement
  • the raw material used for production is: collagen type I hydrolyzate SOLUGEL®


  • Collagen

Collagen is the most common protein in the human body, found in bones, muscles, skin, and tendons. It is the main component of connective tissue, which is why it is so important to have the right amount of it in our body. (1)


  • Hyaluronic acid

One of the main properties of hyaluronic acid is its ability to bind large amounts of water. Almost half of its volume in the human body is found in the skin. Hyaluronic acid, in addition to acting as a matrix in which cells are embedded, plays the role of a water-binding compound, affecting the volume and compressibility of the skin. That is why its presence is so important for the proper functioning and appearance of the skin. (3)


  • Collagen in the body

The human body is no longer able to maintain a balance between the processes of collagen creation and degradation in the body after the age of 25. Collagen loss affects the appearance of the skin, the proper functioning of blood and lymphatic vessels, and can also affect joints and bones.1 That is why it is so important to provide collagen in the right amount through food and supplementation.

  • Collagen type I

There are about 30 types of collagens known so far in the world.1 The most common – accounting for 90% of all – is type I collagen. This is collagen classified as a fibrillar, due to its structure. Type I collagen, which is a component of the ESSENSEY Collagen Anti Age dietary supplement, occurs naturally in the skin, bones, tendons, ligaments, and even in the cornea. (2)


Нутритивни вредности

Collagen Anti Age in 90 capsules

Portion:2 caps.
Number of servings per package:45
Packaging:90 caps.
Net weight:60.30 g
Nutritional value / Nutritional information
for 2 caps.% RDA*

Предупредувања: Не употребувајте ако сте алергични на било која од додатоците. Немојте да употребувате ако сте бремени или негувате. Не ја надминува препорачаната дневна доза. Додатоците во исхраната не треба да се користат како замена за разновидна и добро балансирана исхрана. Се препорачува урамнотежена исхрана и здрав начин на живот. Чувајте го на суво и ладно место. Да се чува подалеку од мали деца. Заштита од директна сончева светлина и замрзнување.

Упатство за употреба

Take 2 capsules daily with a sufficient amount of fluid, preferably during or immediately after a meal.

Store out of reach of small children, in a dry and cool place. Protect from direct sunlight.