1,190 ден

A larger, thicker, more comfortable size Yoga Mat with lightweight high grip performance. A multitude of colors to choose from to suit your mood.

SKU: 2351


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  • A larger, thicker, more comfortable size Yoga Mat with lightweight high grip performance. A multitude of colors to choose from to suit your mood.
  • Great Value with Great performance – easy care – easy carry – Our yoga mat is non-toxic & environmentally friendly.
  • These durable, yet lightweight exercise yoga mats are extra-thick  for the additional cushioning your joints need during any yoga or fitness routine
  • Yoga mat is featured in classic colors with a textured non slip surface for excellent traction and superior grip in all types of yoga, even heated practices and hot yoga
  • The tear-resistant mat will remain in-tact during more challenging or vigorous workout sessions
  • The resilient PVC material can withstand moderate to intense workouts. Yoga mats with texture will grip to your floors easily without damaging them. The firm grip will keep the yoga mat from slipping
  • Whether you are enjoying yoga, Pilates, hot yoga or strength training.
  • HIGH DENSITY FOAM: The high density padded mat will protect knees, elbows and feet from hard floors while protecting the floor underneath you.

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